So we've been seeing all this facebook updates about the Z Boys hitting the studio on a daily basis and let me tell you that it ain't no joke. Tomorrow you can start voting for their Booka Shade - Regenerate remix contest submission @ Beatportal.com (link provided below), but you can actually start listening this awesome piece of work right now.

The Z Boys are an all puerto rican trio, headquartered at San Juan and composed by, Christopher "Shaggy" Alexander a.k.a Alexander Cuba, Hugh Harry Hillerbrand and Tommy Armstrong Veit.
This guys have been around banging the PR's local electronic music scene since the year 1999. Their loyal ways into the Techno movement have been respected and applauded by many and tried to be copied by others but what they deliver no other can, it's just like that; Z Boys will be Z Boys.
Make sure to visit their Myspace and blog for more of those sticky techno beats:
and hit the iLike button at their facebook page:
>>>Z Boys Facebook Page